migration services

Migration Services

Moving to a new cloud-based system often requires careful planning to migrate content to your new system effectively. To minimize this burden on our customers, our rigorous and comprehensive Migration Services team ensures the smooth migration and movement of documents and data into Montrium Connect applications.

A turnkey migration solution

Reduce migration risk

Montrium’s experienced migration team has worked on hundreds of data migrations for our customers on a range of projects. Our migration methodology is rigorous and comprehensive, ensuring the smooth migration  of documents and data into our Connect applications. The following details the steps our migration team takes on every client project:

Analyze and scope out your current environment

Initial information-sharing on your legacy system and source documents, supported by communications between Montrium and your team (meetings, discussions, information gathering, obtaining access to the client’s legacy system).

  1. Identifying where the information is (often in various systems, e.g. file share,  legacy systems)

  2. Identifying the document types to migrate used by the client team

  3. Identifying what will be needed to extract and transfer the documents
    in the system

  4. Identifying if metadata can be extracted, and other measures to take

  5. Identifying a structure used for managing all the documents locked source files, effective documents, etc.

  6. Creating extraction scripts to identify the relevant information (e.g. determining the number of locked source files, effective documents, etc.)

Identify any issues and define how to transform the source data to fit the Montrium system 

  1. Finalizing the Migration Plan

  2. Extracting documents and metadata from the source location (often a legacy system) utilizing automated tools for both the migration and the verification)

  3. Uploading documents and metadata in the Migration Mapping Library of the application(s) of interest 

  4. The Mapping Library is a temporary staging area that allows you to index and clean documents before migration to the final destination. The Mapping Library consists of an extract of your document filenames and metadata values used
    for verification

  5. Updating the metadata and performing data cleansing if required

  6. Verifying documents and metadata are indexed in the Migration Mapping library and are ready for migration

  7. Extracting a final version of the mapping library, which is called the Migration Map. Following approval of the Migration Map, the Mapping Library is made read-only to prevent it from being modified. 

Execute tests and ensure the migration is successful

  1. Montrium uses automated tools to move documents and metadata to the appropriate list and libraries in the system

  2. The Migration Execution phase will be summarized in the Migration Summary report, which captures the number of documents migrated and provides details about the automatic and manual verifications performed

Perform verification to ensure
the results are adequate

  1. Running automated checker scripts to ensure the migration of all data elements and preserve critical data attributes to produce the expected results

  2. Clients may perform their verifications should they choose

  3. Development of a Migration Summary Report, which includes the documented verifications and summary of the migration execution 

  4. Approving the Migration Summary Report

Migration supported by artificial intelligence

Through a series of automated tools and proprietary machine learning technology we are able to significantly accelerate the technical steps of migration to reduce costs and increase accuracy. We've even built a suite of connectors that help us map to the eTMF system you use today to increase migration compliance.

Ongoing migration

In addition to assisting customers with data and records migration during system implementation, our in-house team of migration experts can assist ongoing migration projects as content from stakeholders is created. We can work directly with study partners, CROs and other organizations to ensure your content is centralized in a timely manner within the Montrium platform.

Ad hoc migration

We’ve managed hundreds of document and data migrations for our customers on a broad range of life science projects. With a series of modern tools built directly within the Montrium platform, our customers can streamline the assignment of metadata and map content to speed up and simplify migrations of large content stores for scalability and performance. All this on an adhoc basis, at any point during your subscription.